
50th Anniversary

Don’t Miss the

Sunday, August 1

We’re celebrating 50 years of ministry through Pinelake Church at all five campuses during our morning worship services. It’s going to be an inspirational day looking back at all God has done and looking forward at what’s to come.

It all started in a small chapel in 1971. Since then, God has done more than we could have ever imagined by changing thousands of lives all over the state. When we gather each week, we come believing that God continues to work right here and right now.

We love welcoming people into the family!

Our hope is that our house becomes your home, so every few months we host our Open House event. It’s your opportunity to see what Pinelake is all about and create your personalized pathway to growing in your faith. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to Pinelake or if you’ve been with us for a while, Open House is for you.

Simply register and join us on Sunday, August 15 at 5 p.m. at your campus.