
College Girls – Abbie James & Kenlee McDaniel

College Girls (Spring 2024) –
Hey yall! This is Kenlee & Abbie! We’re roommates that love leading a group together! We’ve been roommates since our freshman year and plan on living together until we graduate! This is our second year leading a small group together and it’s one of our favorite aspects of being roommates.
For me (Kenlee), outside of leading a small group you can find me fulfilling my role as Director of Recruitment for AOII, working in the Chancellors Office on campus, or reminiscing about the best summer of my life as an Orientation Leader for the university!
And as for me (Abbie), I enjoy being involved in is my sorority Alpha Delta Pi! I love to take take walks, drink coffee, make treats, and read in my spare time! This intro perfectly describes mine and Kenlee’s relationship/personalities! We are so excited to meet all of you!”
We hope to use this group as a space to accept all that God has to offer each of us, grow in His word, and act as a safe space for each member to bring forth whatever you may need from us in your relationship with the Lord.