
Life Change Story | Gabby Gregory

An Endless Cycle of Pain

My life before Christ was an endless cycle of pain and misery. I think of it like being on a merry-go-round on fire. At the age of 15, I started experimenting with things like drugs and alcohol. In and out of several treatment centers and jail. My cousin began praying for me and I started attending the Pinelake Clinton campus. My life today walking with Christ is something I can’t put into words. If I would have known it would have been this good, I would have jumped the gun along time ago.

–Gabby Gregory

Everyone has a story to tell. But a life-change story is created when God interrupts and transforms a life. Whether you grew up in church or spent years running from God, your story is a way to share Christ’s impact on your life. Your story has the power to open people’s eyes to the power of Christ and the realness of God.

Stories give comfort and the realization we’re not alone. The person sitting next to you may be experiencing the same thing you are. What an impact and encouragement it can be to know someone understands. It may make a life-changing difference.

What has God done in your life? We’d love to be a part of capturing your story and sharing it to minister to others and give glory to the work of God in your life. http://pinelake.ch/stories

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