
Chip Henderson

Senior Pastor

Dr. Chip Henderson has served as the senior pastor and primary teacher at Pinelake Church since 1999. He is well known for his commitment to Biblical, life application teaching.

Chip’s passion is to see Christ bring about powerful life-change in people — stirring a spiritual movement that will change the world. Chip’s engaging, transparent communication of the Word has sparked dynamic spiritual growth in the people of Pinelake and beyond. In addition, it has sparked a culture where his favorite self-description, “I’m just one beggar telling another beggar where I found bread,” has resulted in the church growing exponentially in the last 10 years.

Since Chip’s arrival, the church has grown from 700 to more than 9000 attendees each week and has expanded to five campuses with extensive ministries that are impacting Mississippi and the world.

Chip holds a PhD in New Testament studies and is the co-creator of the L3 Journal. He and his wife, Christy, have three children: Rachel, McKenzie and Regan.

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