
Be The Church

What is Be The Church?

It is your discipleship roadmap to spiritual formation modeled after the early churches’ rhythms and practices to live as Jesus lived. Found in the Bible in the book of Acts 2:42-47. These four markers form the framework of Grow, Pray, Connect and Share. Which next step is God calling you to in order to deepen your relationship with Him and better share His love with others?

Sermon Series


Be The Church: Grow
Be The Church: Pray
Be The Church: Connect
Be The Church: Share


You want to grow to become more like Jesus. That starts with getting to know God through the Bible but always ends in actions of love for God and people. You grow by reading and connecting with God in your own time, in small groups, and gathering with the whole church family. The practice of growth is not just knowledge, but growth toward Christlikeness in character and actions.

Below are some ways you can devote yourself to growing.

Ways to Practice

  • Daily spend time reading the Bible.
  • Choose an L3 Bible Reading Plan. Learn More
  • Journal what you’re reading using the REAP method. Learn More

Ways to Practice

Three great ways to experience our sermon library:

Ways to Practice

General Questions

How do I know what Bible Reading Plan to choose?

We offer plans for first-time Bible readers or seasoned readers. Discover the reading plans for yourself by downloading the Pinelake App today.

> Download the App Today

How do I grow in my walk by being in a small group?

The practice of connecting is to live a life in community and fellowship with followers of Jesus. No better place to experience this than through a small group. Learn More and Find a Group

Where are the L3 Bible Reading Plans?

The L3 Bible Reading Plans can be found:
> Pinelake App
> Website


The practice of prayer is the cornerstone of your spiritual formation. Jesus modeled prayer and continually drew strength from times of silence and solitude in prayer with God the Father. He also taught His disciples to pray, and even though they stumbled at first, they became a powerful prayer movement over time. Our church fathers and mothers were a praying community. We as a people want to do likewise at Pinelake.

Below are some ways you can devote yourself to prayer.

Ways to Practice

  • Pray for your Pinelake Church family weekly.
  • Become a spiritual counselor on Sunday mornings. Learn More
  • Join the prayer war room team on Sunday mornings. Learn More

Ways to Practice

  • Start every morning by praying the Jesus Centered Life prayer.
  • Print off the prayer and place it physically before you in your daily life. Download PDF
  • Discover the heart behind the Jesus Centered Life. Learn More

Ways to Practice

If you would like to schedule a time to have the Elders pray over you, click here.

General Questions

How can I request prayer?

We offer two ways to request prayer from the entire church body and our elder board:
> Submit a Prayer Request
> Request Elder Prayer

Where should I begin?

Ask God to make you aware of who you can be praying for. Or start asking those close to you how you can support them in prayer. For more prayer resources, click here.


The practice of connecting is to live a life in community and fellowship with followers of Jesus. Jesus modeled and continually spent time in community with the disciples. The early church devoted themselves to community and fellowship. We, as a people, want to do likewise at Pinelake.

Below are some ways you can devote yourself to connecting.

Ways to Practice

  • Attend Group Launch
  • Attend a small group weekly that eats a meal and opens the Bible together. Find A Group
  • Consider leading a small group in your neighborhood or with a group you are already a part of.

Ways to Practice

  • Attend the PL College kick-off at your campus. Learn More
  • Join a PL College small group. Learn More

Ways to Practice

  • Little Lakers
    Weekly preschool-aged experiences.
    Learn More
  • Pinelake Kids
    Weekly elementary-age experiences.
    Learn More
  • 56 Ministry
    Weekly 5th and 6th-grade experiences.
    Learn More
  • Pinelake Students
    Weekly 7th-12th grade experiences.
    Learn More

General Questions

How do I get into a group?

Connect to a small group today by connecting with your local campus group pastor. Text “Group” to 575-55 or search for a group with Group Finder

What types of groups does Pinelake provide?

We have Adult Small Groups for men, women and couples, and there are also College Small Groups.

How do I get my kids involved?

Simply find your child’s age-appropriate experience by Clicking Here.


The practice of sharing is to live a life of open-handed generosity with your goods, your gifts, and the gospel. Jesus and the early church had all things in common and would sell property or possessions at times or would share them with others as they might have needed. We as a people want to do likewise at Pinelake.

Below are some ways you can devote yourself to sharing.

Ways to Practice

  • Invite your neighbors or a co-worker into your home for a meal.
  • Begin tithing regularly. Learn More
  • Donate supplies to your campus Care Center. Learn More

Ways to Practice

  • Serve at Pinelake. Learn More
  • Use your trade or skills to help someone get back on their feet.
  • Go on a mission experience that involves your trade or skills. Learn More

Ways to Practice

General Questions

How do I know what ministry I want to serve in?

A great place to start is by using the skills you have been gifted in your trade. Learn More

Did you know we have local and global mission opportunities?

We partner with organizations and missionaries locally, nationally, and abroad. Learn More

How can I learn more about giving?

Learn more about giving by clicking here.