Ministry Residency

We get really excited when people tell us they want to go into ministry. We’ve created a specific training program for the next generation of leaders in the church — Ministry Residency. It’s a one-year program where Ministry Residents walk alongside seasoned pastors who coach them in specific ministry areas. As you engage in the residency, you will become a leader who is prepared to lead yourself, lead others and lead ministries to move in step with the movement of Christ. Graduates of the residency are spread out in ministry areas throughout the United States and the world.

Applications will open for our 2026 interns and residents in the Fall of 2025

Opportunities to Learn

Our ministry residency goes past the books and into real life. We help our residents grow through a variety of learning pathways, including personal mentoring, ministry skill improvement through practical opportunities, mission trips, intellectual development, and spiritual growth.

Personal Mentoring

Ministry Residency participants will be paired with seasoned ministry professionals who will infuse their years of experience into the relationship. This type of one-on-one, up-close and personal relationship will prove invaluable as participants gain a real-world picture of what ministry is like as well as how to balance ministry with other responsibilities such as family, friends and more.

Sharpen Your Skills

An important part of Ministry Residency is time focused on personal ministry. It isn’t the kind of residency in which participants are tasked only with the most unappealing work left over from ministry leaders. Individuals selected will improve their skills as they work in daily ministry.

Missions Opportunities

Gaining a unique perspective on how God is at work throughout the world is essential. Therefore, all Ministry Residents will have the opportunity to experience exponential transformation through serving in global and local missions ministries.

Intellectual Development

A special component of Ministry Residency is a time for formal education exploring topics that aren’t typically covered in college or seminary ministry programs. This invaluable portion of the program includes topics such as: discipleship and small group ministry, church communication, theology, worship experiences, conflict management, strategic planning, technology and much more. Classes are taught by a variety of ministry professionals from the Pinelake Staff, not only educated in their areas of expertise, but also involved in the practical application of their subject areas on a daily basis.

Spiritual Growth

We believe ministry is what you leave behind while you are following Christ. You will experience life-on-life discipleship as you walk closely with a ministry coach, digging deep into the Word of God and through prayer.

Areas of Focus

Potential ministry placement opportunities may include College, Student, Worship, Children, Congregational Care, Missions, Communications, and More!

Applications will open for our 2026 interns and residents in the Fall of 2025

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